Furniture Assistance for Low Income FamiliesApril 1, 2023 Provides the only list of where to get free furniture for families and individuals in need of help with furniture in Sacramento. You do not have to be a low-income family to use these places to get help. In most cases, just a verifiable need is the requirement.
St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store
Love Inc.
8251 Valdez Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95828 Ph. (916) 383-3232 Contact: (Helpline) Call Mon. - Fri. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for intake. Ph. (916) 383-3999 We work with local congregations to: Deliver a bed or beds to family members that don't have one-Deliver food to a family without transportation-Provide a kitchen table and chairs-Assist with one-time household repairs-Visit and help assess family options and resources in a "crisis" and much more. The clearing house phone center determines eligibility for families or individuals who have financial trouble or some other verifiable immediate need. Determine eligibility for families or individuals who have financial trouble or some other verifiable immediate need. Serves Sacramento, CA area. Looking for free furniture in Sacramento for your family or yourself? Furniture for Families provides a list of places that offer free furniture to those in need. You don't have to be a low-income family to use these resources. In most cases, all you need is to demonstrate a verifiable need. Check out the following organizations that offer free furniture in Sacramento:
Furniture for Families P.O. Box 34, Folsom, CA 95673 Ph. (916) 635-2846 Serves Sacramento area. Individuals and families must be screened and referred by Human/Social service agency using a FFF Referral Form. Give the FFF number to your caseworker. Can provide free furniture to families who are referred by an agency. |