Sacramento Senior Center

Senior Center Sacramento Free Senior Activities

Sacramento Senior Centers Near Me

February 17, 2022

Sacramento senior centers, senior activities Sacramento CA.

Sacramento, CA 95816
Ph. (916) 808-1593
Provides classes and information on health and wellness as well as offering programs, exercise classes, health education workshops, special events, Senior Summer Camp, Neighborhood walk, and ongoing programs offered by organizations in the community to older adults. Most programs are free senior activities or very low-cost. Call to receive a free copy of current classes and locations or be put on our mailing list to receive this free publication. You now have access to our newsletters and other health and wellness programs! Have a GREAT day!
Stanford Settlement
450 W. El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95833
Ph. (916) 927-1303
Senior activities to 50+ for Health and Wellness activities, Senior Activities groups, Will and estate planning workshops, once per month Brown bag giveaway, and more senior center Sacramento. Daily lunch to 60+ for 2.00 suggested donation. Limited door-to-door transportation is available for lunch. Zip codes 95815, 95833, 95834 and 95835. Free Senior transportation to medical appointments.
Hart Senior Center (Triple R)
915 27th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
hart senior centerPh. (916) 264-5462
Hours Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sun. 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Hart Senior center Sacramento senior activities Sacramento center for Respite, Recreation and Recognition. The Ethel Hart Senior Center allows family members time away from their senior care giving responsibilities.

Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center
420 I Street, Suite 5, Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph. (916) 442-4228
Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sacramento seniors activities include translation, transportation, counseling and home health visits.
7375 Park City Drive, Sacramento, CA 95831
Ph. (916) 393-9026 x330
Ph. (916) 393-9020 - ACC Nursing home.
Ph. (916) 395-0210 or (916) 395-0214-Greenhaven Terrace.
Ph. (916) 394-6399 - Administration.
4540 American River Drive, Sacramento, CA 95864
Ph. (916) 485-9572
Provides support services to seniors 50+, includes Morning coffee, Nutritional lunch, Triple R Adult Day program, Food-Op, health insurance counseling, Support groups, job match and more.

Chabolla Community Center
600 Chabolla Avenue, Galt, CA 95
Ph. (209) 745-7332
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Cordova Senior Activities Center
3480 Router Road, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 361-1262
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Creekside Village Senior
6465 Village Centre Drive, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 801-7081
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Delta Cove Senior Community
6800 Woodbine Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 427-0772
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Eskaton Jefferson Manor
5959 66th Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 428-6325
Monday - Thursday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Folsom Senior Center
4000 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 422-7610
Monday - Thursday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Fruitridge Community Center
44000 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 422-7610
Monday - Thursday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Hagginwood Community Center
3271 Marysville Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 922-4770
Monday - Thursday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Japenese Methodist Church
6929 Franklin Boullevard, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 421-1017
Monday - Thursday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Mission Oaks Community Center
6040 Watt Avenue, North Highlands, CA 95
Ph. (916) 344-6249
Monday - Wednesday - Friday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Oragnvale Community Center
6826 Hazel Avenue, Orangevale, CA 95
Ph. (916) 988-4373
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday Provides support services to seniors and more.
Rio Linda
810 Oak Lane, Rio Linda, CA 95
Ph. (916) 991-3405
Provides support services to seniors and more.
River View Plaza
600 I Street, 15th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 801-7028
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Rusch Park
7801 Auburn Boulevard, Citrus Heights, CA 95
Ph. (916) 801-7019
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Sacramento Buddhist Church
2401 Riverside Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 446-0121
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Samuel C. Pannell Community Center
2450 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 808-6680
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Senior Center of Elk Grove
8830 Sharkey Avenue, Elk Grove, CA 95
Ph. (916) 685-4804
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Swanston Community Center
2350 Northrop Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 333-6464 ext. 3105
Provides support services to seniors and more.
The Comstock
1725 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 801-7378
Provides support services to seniors and more.
Women's Civic Improvement Club
3555 Third Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95
Ph. (916) 452-9167
Provides support services to seniors and more.