Rehab in Potsdam, NYFebruary 19, 2022 Drug and alcohol treatment programs for men, substance abuse rehab for women Canton and teen drug rehab Canton are listed below. Each program focuses on recovery in various ways but with the same result - for a lifelong sober and health lifestyle. Please be sure to call them if you have any further questions, to ask about their intake process, how much clean time is necessary (some places won't take a client unless they have been clean at least 3 days). There are also FREE drug rehab Canton services for those that qualify. Good luck!
POSTSDAM Canton Postdam Hospital
50 Leroy Street,
Ph. (315) 265-3300
Potsdam detox center is also located at Canton-Potsdam Hospital. Detox services are geared toward a five-day methadone taper. Clients may be self-referred or referred by a doctor, but must meet stringent criteria for admission. Call for an assessment and evaluation. ____________________________________ CANTON North Country Freedom Homes 25 Dies Street, Canton, NY 13617 Ph. (315) 379-0139 Residential alcohol and drug treatment Canton for substance abuse treatment Canton. Drug and alcohol rehab centers Canton are long term, more than 30 days. Self payment and Medicaid accepted. ____________________________________ St. Lawrence County Drinking Driver Program 80 State Highway 310, Suite 1, Canton, NY 13617 (315) 386-2207 Alcohol outpatient treatment program Canton NYfor individuals over 18 years of age. Canton alcohol addiction treatment specializes in DUI/DWI services for offenders. Medicaid and private insurance are accepted. Sliding fee scale is available. ____________________________________ WATERTOWN Credo Community Center for the Treatment of Addictions, Inc. ![]() Ph. (888) 585-2228 Outpatient rehab Watertown offers Individual, group and family counseling. Gender specific drug rehab centers Watertown NY. Recovery treatment services for pregnant women Watertown. Treatment for teens and individuals over 18 with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders is provided. Short term residential drug and alcohol rehab Watertown for men, women and teens . Beds available for children. Rehabilitation housing programs NY are more than 30 days. Private insurance accepted. Sliding fee scale and state financial assistance is available. ____________________________________ Samaritan Medical Center 1575 Washington Street, Watertown, NY 13601 Ph. (315) 785-4000 Watertown Detox Center is an outpatient detox for men Watertown and womens outpatient treatment Watertown. Medical assessment and evaluations to determine a drug treatment plan. Alcohol outpatient rehab Watertown for co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders available. Medicare and private insurance are accepted. Sliding fee scale is available. Payment and state financial assistance is available for those who qualify. |