Locate Housing, Food bank locations, WIC and More
  OneFathersLove.com Medical Dental Substance Use Treatment Locator | California Community Resourse And Treatment Facility LocatorApril 20th, 2023
OneFathersLove is a website maintained by Victor Stark, a Certified Social Worker, that connects individuals with resources to overcome health challenges while prioritizing privacy. In 2020, the site faced challenges due to the pandemic, resulting in a loss of funding and resources. However, with the support of 485 individuals and organizations in Sacramento, OneFathersLove successfully stopped 211 Sacramento from selling resource information, ensuring vital resources remain accessible to those in need. The website provides up-to-date and authoritative information on substance abuse treatment facilities in California, New York, Miami, Raleigh, and Boston, as well as free clinics in Sacramento that offer services such as prenatal care, ultrasound, pregnancy, and women's clinics. OneFathersLove is committed to adhering to the high standards set by the Center for Disease Control for "Trust and Credibility," continuously improving its services, and regaining its position as the number one resource in Sacramento.
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OneFathersLove does not accept the things it cannot change, it changes the things it cannot accept!
California substance abuse treatment facility locator.
Substance abuse treatment facility locator NY.

Drug Rehab Programs
California substance abuse treatment facility locator
New York NY substance abuse treatment facility locator.
Miami Florida substance abuse treatment facility locator.
Raleigh North Carolina substance abuse treatment facility locator.
Boston Massachusetts substance abuse treatment facility locator.
Free clinics
1. Free clinics: OneFathersLove helps locate free clinics in Sacramento that are open on weekends and offer services such as prenatal care, ultrasound, pregnancy, and women's clinics.
Low-income housing
2. Low-income housing: OneFathersLove helps locate low-income housing in Sacramento based on your income for subsidized apartments.
Food bank list
3. Food bank list: OneFathersLove helps locate food banks in Sacramento County for emergency food, mobile food banks, and free meals.
4. WIC: OneFathersLove helps locate WIC Sacramento offices and phone numbers.
v Directory of Non-profit and Faith-based Community Services.
Resources are added and edited on the website daily.
v Each year, every resource is called to update the entire website.
Over 140 categories of Sacramento resources.
Mission Statement: "Helping Individuals and Families Achieve Self-sufficiency..."
A special acknowledgement is given to all individual contributors and to the resources themselves for providing their time to make this information assistance service a success.
OneFathersLove appreciates your feedback and reviews.
We encourage website visitors to leave reviews for us on Google. Click on the stars below to let us know what you think.
Maria reviewed:
Rated ★★★★★5/5 based on 1 review.
"Wonderful site. I wish I had known of it when I moved here a year ago. My husband and I are both 75 years old and are on a very low fixed income. This is the only way we can eat enough every month. Thank you."
How to use this website: All resources and service providers listed are ranked according to the cost and availability of the resources. The resource which is listed at the top of a page will be ranked as the least expensive and may have earliest availability.
We take great care to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive lists of service providers for your resource needs, without requiring you to sort through them. We understand that those seeking resources are often in need of them urgently and at little to no cost. Our goal is to serve as a one-stop-shop for individual and family resources and service provider needs in Sacramento County. At OneFathersLove.com, we strive to provide clear and simple information that can help people take responsibility for their own needs and improve the quality of life for children in our community.
OneFathersLove.com: Identifies resources in our local community and is seeking to form new relationships between human service agencies and the people whom they offer service to, which is needed to further the success of the community as a whole.
Mission Statement
"To dedicate opportunities for achieving a self-sufficiency in the lives of families and individuals through unconditional support of the community locally to globally."
OneFathersLove.com License NO. 156051
Sacramento CA. 95816
CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023
Mailing address:
2220 K Street, Suite E3

